
Pr E. Uro-Coste
University Professor and Hospital Practitioner in Pathology
Toulouse, France
System :
Head & Neck
System : Head & Neck
Years of experience : 25
Number of cases processed per year : > 1000
Publications : 121
Networks :
TUCERA, Reviewer
RENOCLIP, Reviewer
Organizations :
SFNPath, Member
Graduate of Research Management
PhD in Pathology
Board certification in Pathology
MD in Pathology
Msc in Microbiology & Biotechnology
Msc in Cellular Biology
Career path
2010 - Today
University Professor and Hospital Practitioner in Pathology
IUCT Oncopole , Toulouse, France
1998 - 2010
University Lecturer and Hospital Practitioner in Pathology
Rangueil Public Hospital, Toulouse, France
1997 - 1998
Post doctoral Internship
INSERM U466, Toulouse, France
1993 - 1997
University Assistant Lecturer
Rangueil Public Hospital, Toulouse, France
Advantages of referring cases to Pr E. Uro-Coste

Undifferentiated sinonasal carcinomas and even more tumors of salivary glands are Dr Uro-Coste’s favorite domains of hyperspecialization since 1993. In addition to the routine cases, Dr Uro-Coste expertises around 200 second review cases per year including cases from the French national cancer network REFCOR.

To bring more security to the diagnosis, The Oncopole was among the first to use the published molecular signatures for diagnostic purpose. It develops molecular tests for these tumors and has a large availability of FISH probes including MYB, PLAG1, MAML2, ETV6, EWSR1, EBER and HR HPV.

The Oncopole masters key antibodies reactivities in these domains:  NUT, INI/BAF47, p16, mammaglobin, HER2, androgen receptors etc... When necessary, targeted sequencing including IDH2 and PRKD1 hotspot mutations is also available in their lab. They also develop RNA sequencing methods to identify gene fusions. All techniques are available on FFPE specimen.