
Pr S. Lantuejoul
Consultant in thoracic pathology
Lyon, France
System :
System : Thorax
Years of experience : 23
Number of cases processed per year : > 1500
Publications : 208
WHO publications :
“Classification of Lung Tumors”
Fifth Edition - 2002
Seventh Edition - 2015
Networks :
MesoPath, Coordinator
TenPath, Member
Graduate of Research Management
Ph.D in Cellular and Molecular Biology
MD in Anatomic Pathology
Board certification in Pathology
Msc in Cellular and Molecular Biology
Career path
2015 - Today
Scientific director
Translational Research dept, Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France
2015 - Today
Consultant in thoracic pathology
Biopathology dept, Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France
2012 - 2014
Head of Department of Pathology
Public Hospital Grenoble Alpes, France
2008 - 2012
Professor of Pathology
Grenoble Alpes University and Grenoble Alpes Public Hospital, France
2002 - 2007
Consultant and Senior Lecturer
Grenoble Alpes University and Grenoble Alpes Public Hospital, France
Advantages of referring cases to Pr S. Lantuejoul

The department of Biopathology of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Léon Bérard employed 9 senior consultant pathologists with recognized expertise in soft tissue tumors, melanomas, gynecologic malignancies, and thoracic tumors.

Among them, Prof Sylvie Lantuejoul is an national and international expert in thoracic pathology, member of the IASLC pathology committee, coauthor of several book chapters of the 2 last WHO classification books, and author or coauthor of more than 200 publications in the this domain.

She is also member of the National Reference Center for mesothelioma (MESOPATH) leaded by Pr F Galateau-Sallé in the department of Biopathology.

This department has a unique genetics platform which can provide with comprehensive molecular analyses (with NGS technologies, including DNA and RNA sequencing, CGH technology, Nanostring technolopgy for transcriptomic analyses), as well as FISH and IHC analyses.