
Pr P. Brousset
University Professor and Hospital Practitioner in Pathology
Toulouse, France
System :
System : Hematologic
Years of experience : 25
Number of cases processed per year : > 2000
Publications : 274
Networks :
LYMPHOPATH, Coordinator
Organizations :
LYSA, Member
EAHP - European Association for Haematopathology, Member of the Executive Committee
Graduate of Research Management
PhD Physiopathology
MD in Pathology
Board certification in pathology
Career path
2014 - Today
Head of the department of pathology
IUCT Oncopole, Toulouse, France
2007 - Today
Head of the research team N°7
Inserm U1037 - CRCT, Toulouse, France
2000 - Today
University Professor and Hospital Practitioner in Pathology
CHU Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Advantages of referring cases to Pr P. Brousset

The IUCT-Oncopole Biopathology Department in Toulouse has an international recognition in hematopathology and hosts all advanced technologies (molecular biology, imaging...) useful for expert diagnoses and research purposes.

Pr Brousset is head of this department.
He is co-chairing the French Lymphopath network dedicated to expert central review of all cases of lymphoma in France (Laurent C et al. J Clin Oncol 2017).  He belongs to international education societies (EAHP, ILSG).