
Pr M. Devouassoux Shisheboran
University Professor and Hospital Practitioner in Pathology
Lyon, France
System : Gynecological
Years of experience : 18
Number of cases processed per year : > 600
Publications : 126
WHO publications :
“Germ cell tumors of the ovary”
Chapter Teratoma - 2003
Graduate of Research Management
Ph.D in Human Biology
MD in Pathology
Board certification in Pathology
Msc in Human Biology
Career path
2016 - Today
University Professor and Hospital Practitioner in Pathology
Lyon Sud Public Hospital, HCL, France
2003 - 2016
University Professor and Hospital Practitioner in Pathology
Croix Rousse Public Hospital, HCL, France
1999 - 2003
University Lecturer and Hospital Practitioner in Pathology
Croix Rousse Public Hospital, HCL, France
1997 - 1999
Fellowship in Gynecopathology
1995 - 1997
University Assistant Lecturer
Croix Rousse Public Hospital, HCL, France
Advantages of referring cases to Pr M. Devouassoux Shisheboran

Hospices civils de Lyon (HCL) and Lyon I university is one of the main place in France for gynecological tumors, specifically ovarian tumors. Our institution is a referent center for surgical management of gynecological neoplasia and also for the pathological review of rare gynecological tumors.

More than 3500 gynecological surgical specimens and biopsies are analyzed in the pathology department of Lyon Sud Hospital every year.

The surgical pathology laboratory is very modern, including a molecular department, with all technics: HE staining, cytology, immunohistochemistry, FISH, RT-PCR, NGS, sequencing and Nanostring.

Mojgan Devouassoux-Shisheboran is one of the french Leader in gynecological pathology. She is in charge of all the gynecological pathology in the department of pathology of Lyon sud and Croix Rousse hospitals, and also the leading pathologist for all gynecological difficult cases in Rhone-Alpes Auvergne region and in France, being the first pathological reviewer of French Network in rare Gynecological Tumors. She is author or coauthor of more than 126 references in PubMed.